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Dyma showreel o'r deunydd bocsio yr ydw i wedi ei gynhyrchu dros y blynyddoedd i gyd fynd â chynnig am gyfres 'Y Ffeit'  (ar ran Antena Cyf).  Cafodd y brand ei sefydlu a chomisiynwyd chwe phennod (ar y cyd efo Tanabi a'u huchafbwyntiau o ornestau MMA) gan Adran Chwaraeon S4C.  Ffurfiwyd partneriaeth lewyrchus efo hyrwyddwyr Sanigar Events a darlledwyd y gyfres  gyntaf ym mis Mawrth-Ebrill 2017.

2007-2011 boxing showreel

This showreel showcases my production work on numerous boxing features and was presented to S4C's sport department with a proposal for a Welsh boxing highlight package (on behalf of Antena Cyf). A 6 x 60' series was subsequently  commissioned (with Tanabi co-producing MMA  highlights) due to my relevant experience and the great working partnership established with Bristol based promoters Sanigar Events. Y Ffeit was transmited in March-April 2017 and featured Welsh, Commonwealth and WBC International  title fights. 

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